py-IOSXR | | Library for interacting with IOS-XR routers |
py-ioTPy | | Helps you to build applications that operate on streams of data. |
py-iprogress | | Text progress bar library for Python |
py-ipydex | | IPython based debugging and exploring |
py-ipython-sql | | RDBMS access via IPython |
py-irco | | International Research Collaboration Graphs |
py-jabber-aimt | | Transport connecting Jabber to the AOL IM network |
py-jabber-icqt | | Transport connecting Jabber to the ICQ IM network |
py-jabber-idavoll | | XMPP publish-subscribe (XEP-0060) component (via twisted) |
py-jabber-palaver | | XEP-0045 + XEP-0128 Multi-User Conferencing package |
py-jabber-proxy65 | | XEP-0065 proxy transport for XMPP |
py-jabber-punjab | | HTTP XMMP client interface implementing BOSH/XEP-0124 |
py-jarowinkler | | Standard versions of the Jaro-Winkler functions |
py-jbessel | | Bessel functions of the first kind written in Cython |
py-jc | | Convert output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON |
py-jelly | | Abstraction layer for running numerical hydrodynamics software |
py-jewish | | Jewish calendar calculations |
py-jitcdde | | Just-in-Time Compilation for Delay Differential Equations |
py-jitcode | | Just-in-Time Compilation for Ordinary Differential Equations |
py-jitcxde-common | | Common code for JiTC*DE |
py-jiter | | Standalone version of the JSON parser used in pydantic-core |
py-jose | | JOSE implementation in Python |
py-joypy | | Draw ridgeline plots in Python |
py-json-stream | | Streaming JSON decoder |
py-jsonpatch | | Apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902 |
py-jsonpath | | XPath for JSON |
py-jsonpointer | | Library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901 |
py-jsonrequester | | Library for client JSON REST requests |
py-jtextfsm | | Template based state machine for semi-formatted text |
py-julio | | Python Implementation of the Fractal Specification |
py-juniper-SNMPv3-crypt | | Juniper crypto operations |
py-junit-xml | | Create JUnit XML test result documents read by tools such as Jenkins |
py-junos-netconify | | Junos console/bootstrap automation Python module |
py-kabuki | | Easy creation of hierarchical bayesian models |
py-Kallithea | | Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git |
py-karta | | Geospatial analysis in Python |
py-kcs11 | | PKCS#11 wrapper for Python |
py-kenv | | Solver of the Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky envelope equation |
py-keras | | Deep Learning for Python |
py-keycloak | | Keycloak Client |
py-keyczar | | Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography |
py-khayyam | | Khayyam(Jalali Persian Datetime) library |
py-kineticlib | | Library for kinetic theory calculations in the multi-temperature |
py-klausen | | Parameterized model framework in Python |
py-klepto | | persistent caching to memory, disk, or database |
py-knnimpute | | K-Nearest Neighbor imputation |
py-knockknock | | Simple & secure port knocking client/server written in python |
py-krylov | | Python package implementing common Krylov methods |
py-krypy | | Krylov subspace methods for linear systems |
py-lang-trans | | Python transliteration library |
py-lark | | Parsing toolkit for Python |
py-larlib | | Linear algebraic representation of topology and geometry |
py-larry | | Label the rows, columns, any dimension, of your NumPy arrays |
py-latexenc | | LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex |
py-launchpadlib | | Script Launchpad through its web services interfaces |
py-lazr.restfulclient | | Provide added functionality on top of wadllib |
py-lazr.uri | | Library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs |
py-lbmpy | | Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Methods |
py-lcapy | | Symbolic linear circuit analysis |
py-ld | | Python implementation of the JSON-LD API |
py-lds | | Learning and inference for Gaussian linear dynamical systems |
py-lea | | Discrete probability distributions in Python |
py-lemma | | Mathematical notation for executable and testable Python |
py-lempel-Ziv_Complexity | | Lempel-Ziv complexity for a binary sequence, in naive Python code |
py-lenstools | | Toolkit for Weak Gravitational Lensing analysis |
py-lib | | Agile development and test support library |
py-libclang-py3 | | Python3 bindings for libclang |
py-liberty_parser | | Library of functions to parse, manipulate and format 'Liberty' files |
py-libgit2-glib | | Glib wrapper library around the libgit2 git access library |
py-liblarch | | Python library for handling lists, trees and DAGs |
py-liblzma | | Python bindings for liblzma |
py-libmapper | | Python bindings for libmapper |
py-libmpdclient2 | | Python bindings to the mpd access library |
py-libopensync-plugin | | Python support code for opensync plugins |
py-libqutrub | | Libqutrub Arabic verb conjuagtion library |
py-librabbitmq | | AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library |
py-librosa | | Python module for audio and music processing |
py-libtextcat | | Python bindings for libTextCa |
py-libtorrent-rasterbar | | Python binding of rasterbar libtorrent library |
py-libvirt | | libvirt python library |
py-lifelines | | Including Kaplan Meier, Nelson Aalen and regression |
py-lightgbm | | Gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework |
py-linearalgebra | | Tools for working with matrices and vectors |
py-lingpy | | Python library for automatic tasks in historical linguistics |
py-linop | | Pythonic abstraction for linear mathematical operators |
py-lire | | Python/Cython port of Lire image processing algorithms |
py-litecli | | CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting |
py-llfuse | | Python bindings for low-level FUSE API |
py-LMtester | | Python bindings to LMtester |
py-locket | | File based locks for Python for Linux and Windows |
py-locky | | Implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-locustio | | Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site |
py-loggly | | Python interface to Loggly |
py-logilab-database | | Logilab utilities for database manipulation |
py-logilab-mtconverter | | Library convert from a MIME type to another |
py-logilab-pigg | | Python Interface Generator for Gtk implementation of the MVC pattern |
py-logtools | | Log files analysis/filtering framework written in Python |
py-loky | | Robust implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-louie | | Python signal dispatching mechanism |
py-louvain | | Methods of community detection in large networks |
mk | | Subfolder |